Some utilities don’t offer a full version of Net Energy Metering - instead, the customer gets compensated for excess production at a fixed rate. This is slightly different than a Feed-In-Tariff, or “Buy-All, Sell All” setup. For each hour, the utility meter keeps track if the customer was a net consumer or a net producer of electricity. If they used more energy, they are billed based on their utility rate like any other customer. When they produce energy, they get a flat amount. In a Feed-in-Tariff, two meters are used - the customer buys all the energy for their building from the grid, and sells all produced energy to the grid without first balancing out loads and production.
To model a flat export rate, create a financing and select NEM (Utility Rate). Then change the Export Rule of your financing to Flat Export Rate. Then specify the rate that the customer will receive for their exported electricity. When Aurora runs the financial simulation, it will use the specified export rate to credit exported kWh.