Viewing the amount of depreciation
Aurora provides you the ability to view your depreciation amounts in an excel file, with placeholders in the proposal template, and as columns in your cash flow table. Please follow the instructions below to view the amount of depreciation:
- Download your financial summary by going to the Financing section, make sure to click Run Analysis, and click on the Export XLSX button in the top right of the financing option.
- To add a placeholder showing the PV depreciation in a proposal go to Proposal Templates in the Database section of your account. Create a text box to insert the placeholder or click into a pre-existing text box. When you click inside a text box, an icon with brackets “{...}”will appear above. Click on the icon to access the placeholder menu. Search for "Depreciation". Click on "PV of depreciation" and choose which financing option to which you would like to assign the placeholder. Click Insert Placeholder.
- To add a column to your cash flow table to include the National Depreciation Benefit or the Local Depreciation Benefit left-click on the table. Click the view icon in the top toolbar. Select the National Depreciation Benefit and/or Local Depreciation Benefit.