Aurora requires WebGL to be enabled in Chrome to be able to view 3D models in Aurora projects.
If you are having issues viewing 3D content in Aurora make sure to install any pending operating system and browser updates and restart your computer before trying the steps below.
Also check to ensure you are not using an extension that may be disabling WebGL.
To find out if WebGL is enabled in your browser, please visit
Update browser settings
Hardware Acceleration
If 3D views are not showing up in your Aurora account, follow these steps:
- Go to chrome://settings
- Click the “+ Show advanced settings” button
- In the System section, ensure the “Use hardware acceleration when available” checkbox is checked (you'll need to relaunch Chrome for any changes to take effect)
Override software rendering list
If the above steps do not resolve the problem, try these steps next:
- Go to chrome://flags
- Set "Override software rendering list" to enabled, and relaunch chrome.
Inspect WebGL Status
If errors are still occurring, inspect the status of WebGL by following these steps:
- Go to chrome://gpu
- Inspect the WebGL item in the Graphics Feature Status list. The status will be one of the following:
- Hardware accelerated — WebGL is enabled and hardware-accelerated (running on the graphics card).
- Software only, hardware acceleration unavailable — WebGL is enabled, but running in software. See here for more info: "For software rendering of WebGL, Chrome uses SwiftShader, a software GL rasterizer."
- Unavailable — WebGL is not available in hardware or software.
If the status is not "Hardware accelerated", then the Problems Detected list (below the the Graphics Feature Status list) may explain why hardware acceleration is unavailable.
If these troubleshooting tips still do not allow you to use Aurora, we recommend checking with an IT representative for your computer. This may be a setting on the computer that does not allow certain graphics to be displayed.