Lead Capture AI Default Panel Update | By default, the panel used in Lead Capture AI estimates will update from a 335W panel to the Q.PEAK DUO BLK ML-G10+ (400W) panel. |
Lead Capture AI Configurations: Panels | Lead Capture AI customers can configure their default panel make & model from the Aurora application to use in the 3D estimate provided to homeowners. |
In-App Plan Set Revision Requests | Requesting revisions for a plan set package can now be done seamlessly through the Aurora app, making revisions easier to request and to track their status. |
Roof Summary API: Metric measurements | Retrieve Roof Summary API will deliver measurements based on the default Units setting for the tenant, such as Metric or Imperial. |
New Field in asset_created Webhook: asset_type | With asset_type (e.g., Design Layout, CAD Screenshot) added to the Asset Created webhook payload, you can filter asset_created webhooks to trigger only when assets applicable to your workflow are created. |
Enhanced Property Boundaries with Aurora AI | Aurora AI can now better detect and model structures on the homeowner's property. AI Roof (specifically Roof faces) sources and evaluates parcel data to identify all structures on the property, including garages and ADUs. Customers benefits include: • Optimize your designs quickly with increased visibility to property boundaries • Improves detection of structures like detached garages or ADUs, while excluding structures like neighbor’s houses |
Enhanced Lead-to-Project Integration: Monthly Bill Estimate | When Leads are converted to Projects within the Aurora app, the average monthly bill amount submitted by the lead will transfer to the Aurora project. |
Utility Bill Represented on Lead Index | When viewing the Lead Index page in the Aurora application, users can quickly and easily see if a lead uploaded a utility bill. |
Storage in Design Mode | Customers are now able to access the Storage page in Design Mode, which has roughly the same functionality as in Sales Mode. Note: users will need to click Simulate to run self-consumption calculations. |
Webhook Replays | With Webhook Replays, customers can request to have failed webhook events resent by the Aurora team. This may be used in the case of an outage or bug in the customer’s system. Note: To request a replay on behalf of a customer, Aurorans must reach out with the request in #api-pod. |
AutoStringer in Sales Mode | Sales reps can finalize their design by automatically adding and connecting string inverters after placing panels. Automatically complete designs in Sales Mode with AutoStringer in order to: • Improve accuracy of production and pricing simulations • Reduce opportunity for change orders • Reduce pre-sale modifications required by your back office solar designers |
Performance Simulation & Solar Panel Temperature | Aurora continues to improve its state-of-the-art simulation engine by updating the solar panel temperature model now accounting for panel mounting type! Benefits and details include: • Provides more accurate simulation estimates • Accounts for cooling effect below tilted & racked arrays |
Distance Adders | Sales reps can adjust the quantity of an adder, if applicable, to apply to the system cost. This unlocks the ability to create per-ft. or per mile adders to factor trenching, distance travelled, etc. into your pricing. |