Adding/Inviting New User:
- Navigate to Users and Licenses Settings
- Click on + New User.
- Enter user First name, Last name, and Email address
- Choose License Type (Premium or Basic) and Role (Admin, Team Member, Limited Team Member)
- Click "Save".
Deactivating a User:
- Find the target user in the users list.
- Click on their Name
- Select "Edit".
- Select "Deactivate"
Re-assigning a user license
- Find the target user in the users list.
- Select a user
- Click "Edit"
- Change their license to another license in the "License" drop-down.
- Click "Save"
Adding a license
- Navigate to Users Settings
Click on "Add/Remove Licenses".
- Press "+" or type in the new number of licenses for a given license type.
- Examine the license change list and summary to confirm your expectations.
- Press "Confirm".
- If the license addition succeeds, you'll be sent back to the users list.
- If the license addition fails, an error will be shown.
Removing a license
- Click on "Edit Licenses".
- Press "-" or type in the new number of licenses for a given license type.
- If no licenses are available for removal, an error will be shown asking you to un-assign a license from a user before trying again.
- If the license removal succeeds, you'll be sent back to the users list.
- If the license removal fails, an error will be shown.