Table of Contents
- Overview
- How to Connect Racking Partner Apps
- Accessing Racking Apps and Bills of Materials (BOMs)
- API Documentation
As part of Aurora’s Partner App Ecosystem, several racking partners have made their proprietary racking design applications accessible from Aurora’s Design Mode. Racking partner apps unlock a seamless PV + racking design workflow that saves time and eliminates the need for duplicative, manual work. Without leaving Aurora, you can access partner apps to select your optimal racking equipment, unify the racking & PV system details, and generate a comprehensive bill-of-materials (BOM) that can be retrieved in Aurora or via API.
See here for currently available racking partner apps.
How to Connect Racking Partner Apps
First navigate to Settings > Apps to access all partner applications currently available in Aurora.
Locate the racking partner app you’d like to activate and click Connect. A modal will appear that confirms the project data points that a racking partner app will access via Aurora API endpoints. Click Connect again. (This API connection allows Aurora and the partner’s racking design app to automatically share array data and the racking BOM.)
Accessing Racking Apps and Bills of Materials (BOMs)
Click here to learn more about accessing racking partner apps in Design Mode, and retrieving BOMs in the Aurora app or via API.
API Documentation
How much does it cost to use partner racking apps in Aurora?
All of Aurora’s racking apps are free to use.
If I modify the Aurora design, will the racking design be automatically updated?
No. At the moment, you have to re-create the racking design to reflect changes in your Aurora site and system design.
Can I download the racking bill of materials from Aurora?
You can retrieve the bill of materials and supporting documents in the Aurora app (on a Project’s Documents tab) or via Design Assets API.
What supporting documents are available via Sync API?
The bill of materials (BOM) and engineering report in the PDF format are available via Design Assets API after you save the bill of materials in the racking app.