Build a racking system in the EcoFasten Design Assistant without leaving Aurora and automatically store key racking data (e.g., bill of materials) with your Aurora design.
Install app
Design racking from Design Mode in Aurora
Get your bill of materials in just a few clicks with data automatically transferred from Aurora
Download the combined bill of materials from Aurora
Retrieve machine- and human-readable racking bill of materials via Sync API#
Free to install and use
If I modify the Aurora design, will the racking design in EcoFasten be automatically updated?
No. At the moment, you have to re-create the racking design to reflect changes in your Aurora site and system design.
Can I download the EcoFasten bill of materials from Aurora?
Yes. You can download the bill of materials from the Documents sections of your project in Aurora. You can also retrieve the bill of materials and supporting documents via Design Assets API.
What support documents are available via Sync API?
The bill of materials in PDF format is available via Design Assets API.
Related API tutorials
Retrieve Racking Bill of Materials
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