Aurora automatically identifies your project’s Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) by using the address.* This information is available to you in the Project Overview page. Aurora’s AHJ Database includes General Requirement information from 25K+ AHJs that is accessible to all customers.
The user-friendly interface allows you to easily search and filter to find the information you need, such as quickly finding code requirements by jurisdiction or state. You can also request changes to General Requirements Tab (e.g., if you’re aware of a specific requirement not listed by Aurora) and edit and add AHJ requirements to the Additional Tenant Managed tabs (managed by tenant admins).
* This feature is available for US Projects only.
How to access the AHJ Database
From the Project Overview in the Dashboard:
Click on the name of the Authority Having Jurisdiction to access the database.
From the Customer profile:
Click on View Jurisdiction to access the database.
If a different AHJ is needed (e.g., if the building is governed by a different AHJ) you can assign a different AHJ by clicking on the name of the AHJ and searching for the desired AHJ.
From the Database menu:
The AHJ Database is available for all Aurora customers and can be accessed by selecting the Database button at the upper left-hand side of the screen. From there, select the AHJ button at the lower left-hand corner. From here you can search, filter, and sort to find the information you need.
How to edit the AHJ Database
Aurora’s AHJ Database has seven groupings of information: 1) General Requirements 2) Permitting 3) Design 4) Electrical 5) Structural 6) Energy Storage Systems 7) Ground mounts. General Requirements are provided and managed by Aurora. All other tabs of information can be edited and managed by your tenant admin.
General Requirements
The General Requirements tab is managed by Aurora and is a group of high-level AHJ data requirements. This tab includes critical information for the plan set design and post-sales process such as electrical, building, and fire codes. It also includes pertinent weather related information like max and min temperatures and wind codes for the jurisdiction. You can request updates or changes to this information from Aurora.
How to request changes to the AHJ General requirements database
Note: This option is only available to tenant admins
1. Once inside the AHJ database, within the General requirements tab, click Request changes.
2. In the pop-up box, enter the requested changes. Enter the name of the field(s) and the change that is needed.
3. Submitting the request alerts Aurora’s Plan Sets Service team who will review and make the change if approved.
Additional Customer Managed Tabs
The Permitting, Design, Electrical, Structural, Energy Storage Systems, and Ground Mounts tabs contain additional information for the design and engineering teams that is manually entered and updated by the tenant admins. These fields are read-only for non-admin tenants. These tabs contain easily referenced information like the system size limit, so your design team knows what the max size for the project is within that jurisdiction, and other information about the permitting process like the number of copies required or the online submittal link.