After a site model has been created- either manually in design mode, by leveraging our expert design services, or through Aurora AI - you are now ready to design the photovoltaic system.
You can select the modules you’d like to use, and the orientation of those modules, and even add in a filler row that adds an alternate orientation above or below the arrays if there’s any available space.
Placing panels
Manual panel placement
Users who want to place panels using fill roof face or manually place them can do so by:
- Click system.
- Hover over panels, then select the module.
- In the Place Panels inspector on the right side of the screen, the default solar panel settings will be listed.
In the yellow banner that appears at the top of the screen, select fill roof face or manually place. Users can easily switch between the two methods as needed.
- Fill roof face - Select the roof face or faces you want to fill with panels.
- Manually - Select the specific spot you want to place a single panel or click and drag your mouse to place multiple panels
- Click or press esc when finished to exit placing panels.
Aurora's AutoDesigner allows you to place your panels and string your PV design with just a few clicks.
Click system from within design mode, and you will see the AutoDesigner option
There are 2 different target modes in AutoDesigner:
- Energy: Choose between target energy or target offset
- Max fit: will place as many PV panels onto your site model as can fit.
Stringing your system
Manual stringing
This option allows you to design and string the system just the way you envision. After placing the panels, you can manually string the system, allowing for a higher degree of precision and customization.
To manually string your system:
- Click Add Components in the system menu in the left toolbar.
- Click inverter
- Select the appropriate inverter and place it in the desired location.
- Click string/connect in the system menu in the left toolbar
- Left click and hold to drag the string across modules. Red means the string length is too short or too long (outside the inverter's acceptable voltage input range). Green means the string length is valid (within the acceptable input range).
- Release the left click to complete the string.
Aurora's AutoString allows you to string your PV design with just a few clicks.
To AutoString your system:
- Click string/connect
- Click AutoStringer
- Select the inverter you would like to string and click auto-string.
- Click run AutoStringer
Aurora provides you with different ways to both place modules and string your PV System. This enhances your ability to craft the precise system you envision with increased flexibility and speed.
To recap:
When placing modules you can:
- Manually place panels
- Use AutoDesigner
When stringing your system you can:
- Manually string panels
- Use AutoStringer