Adders and discounts are line items that modify the final price of your system but are separate from local, state and federal incentives.
Adders add dollars to the base price, and discounts reduce the base price.
Creating a New Adder or Discount
To create a new Adder or Discount, navigate to Database > Adders and Discounts. Next, click "New" in the top right corner.
Partner Assignment: Allows you to select whether the Adder or Discount is available for all Partners, individual Partners, a group of Partners, or none.
- Note: Partner Management must first be enabled in your Aurora account for this option to be available
- Name: This is the title of your adder, and will show up on your Proposals. Make it descriptive and customer friendly.
- Type: Adder or Discount; Adders increase the system’s price, Discounts reduce it.
Rate: The monetary portion of how the adder or discount is applied.
- Flat - A flat monetary amount that is applied to your price.
- Percentage - A percentage of the system price at the time of calculation, after year 0 incentives (does not include most other adders, storage, or dealer fees)
- Per Watt - A monetary amount multiplied by the STC System Size of your system.
- Per Panel - A monetary amount multiplied by the number of individual panels in your system.
Roof Area (per sq. ft.) - A monetary amount multiplied by the surface area specified in the following dropdown menu, which includes:
- Only roof faces containing panels - targets the combined area of all roof faces that have one or more modules
- Underneath arrays - targets only the roof area under arrays
- All roof faces on buildings with solar panels - targets the total roof area of buildings with one or more modules
Amount: The monetary amount that may be multiplied by some value from your system design.
Add Amount Variant: Set a different, unique dollar amount for one or more Partners using your Aurora account
- Note: Partner Management must first be enabled in your Aurora account for this option to be available
Add Amount Variant: Set a different, unique dollar amount for one or more Partners using your Aurora account
Allow amount to be edited: If this is enabled, users will be able to edit the dollar amount of the adder as they are creating a proposal. Set this option to “off” if the value of the adder does not change—and should not be changed—from design to design.
- Example: If you wanted to create a “Miscellaneous” adder and have sales reps write-in a dollar amount for potential unforeseen costs, set Allow amount to be edited to “on” to give reps this level of control.
- Allow quantity to be edited: (only available for Flat rates) Often used for costs related to distances or lengths, if enabled users will be able to enter a quantity for the adder. This will multiply the dollar amount by the quantity, often a distance in feet or meters, and apply that total to the system cost.
Is homeowner facing: If enabled, the adder name will be visible to the homeowner in Sales Mode, the Web Proposal, proposal summary PDF, Contract Manager, Pricing page, and via the API. If disabled, the adder will still be factored into the system pricing, it will still be displayed on the Pricing page and via the API, but it will NOT be displayed in Sales Mode, the Web Proposal, proposal summary PDF, and Contract Manager.
- Show adder/discount total: If enabled, the total dollar amount applied to the system cost will be displayed alongside the adder/discount name
- CBIs can be applied: Toggle on if the amount associated with this adder can be included when calculating cost based incentives like the Federal ITC.
Conditions: Select when the Adder or Discount is applied based on custom rules (Click here to learn more about Automatic Adders & Discounts):
- Users pick when to apply - Sales Mode users can add or remove adders & discounts to system designs
- Automatically apply to all designs - Adder or Discount is applied to all system designs, Sales Mode users can not remove
Automatically apply based on conditions - Adder or Discount is applied to any system design meeting specific requirements, Sales Mode users can not remove
- Modules - apply Adder or Discount if specific modules are used in the design
- Inverters - apply Adder or Discount if specific inverters are used in the design
- System size - apply Adder or Discount if system size (in kW) is above/below a value, or within a range
- Roof pitch (in degrees) - apply Adder or Discount if roof pitch (in degrees) is above/below a value, or within a range
- Storage operating mode - Apply adder if storage/battery operating mode is ‘Backup’ or ‘Self-consumption’
- Ground mount - Apply adder if the system contains a ground mount
- Array count - Apply adder if a design’s array count is above, below, or equal to a specified number
Using Adders and Discounts in Sales Mode
From any page within the Sales Mode workflow, you can click on the "$" icon at the top of the page to adjust your adders and discounts and fine tune your pricing for that design.